Investigation process:
On June 24, 2022, our company discovered through a long-term investigation a specialized counterfeit and well-known brand mobile phone packaging box making gang that operates from production, packaging, to sales.
Our company coordinated local law enforcement to carry out criminal investigations on relevant target points.
The next day, our company assisted Shanghai law enforcement in conducting criminal investigations on its affiliated warehouses.
Investigation results:
A total of 568 counterfeit iPhone 6S screens and batteries, 535 iPhone 8P screens and batteries, 30 iPhone 8 screens, 191 iPhone 6P screens and batteries, 447 iPhone 6th generation batteries, 39 iPhone XR batteries, and 5 boxes of sales and purchase orders, as well as 2 computer consoles and laptops, were seized. The total value of counterfeit Apple trademarks sold is large enough to capture the suspect on site. The party involved has been sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and fined one million yuan.
Investigation photos: