Investigation process:
In 2020, our company discovered through long-term investigation a specialized counterfeit and well-known brand mobile phone packaging box making gang that goes through the entire process of production, packaging, and sales.
Our company coordinated local law enforcement to carry out criminal investigations on relevant target points.
The next day, our company assisted Shenzhen law enforcement in conducting criminal investigations on its affiliated warehouses.
Investigation results:
A total of two hundred and fifty sets of counterfeit Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone packaging boxes (top and bottom covers, without instructions), nine thousand and five hundred sets of Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone packaging boxes (simple version, top and bottom covers+instructions), ten thousand sets of Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone packaging boxes (top and bottom covers+instructions), and thirty thousand sets of Airpods Bluetooth earphone packaging boxes (top and bottom covers, without instructions) have been seized, There are nine thousand sets of Apple Airpods Bluetooth earphone packaging box (upper and lower covers+manual), thirteen thousand five hundred Apple Airpods Bluetooth earphone manual sets, one hundred and sixty thousand Apple Airpods Bluetooth earphone manual sets, and five hundred and forty thousand Apple wireless earphone trademark labels. Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone packaging box bottom cover sticker, quantity 1.06 million sheets. There are one hundred and six thousand stickers on the packaging of Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphones. There are sixty-six thousand stickers on the packaging of Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphones. The number of Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone manuals (book cover+3 manuals) is 65000 sets. Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone manual set, quantity 25000. Apple Airpods Pro Bluetooth earphone manual, quantity 510000 sheets.
The party involved was criminally detained on the day of investigation. The case is still in the sentencing stage.
Investigation photos: